Monday, April 29, 2019


Big Ideas: Show that your reading skills have increased.

Reading: If you finish your test early, then read for the rest of the period.


  1. Today you will take the iReady assessment. I am looking for improvement. You should score higher than you did at the beginning of the year.


  1. No vocabulary this week.
  2. Make sure you are reading your book at home.

Friday, April 26, 2019


Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Today you should finish your Connections maps from yesterday. Here are all the requirements:
    1. A central image
    2. All of the terms from yesterday's blog
    3. You must write on the lines how or why the words connect

  1. Make sure you finish the vocabulary for this week.
  2. You should be reading your book at home.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Periods 2 and 4 testing schedule

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.
  2. We need to finish our final skits from yesterday. Let the insults begin!
  3. Let's watch the play starting at 1:21:00. Demetrius is lying on the stage asleep. Lysander and Helena will enter. A grand mixup will occur. We will stop at 1:28:12.
  4. Lysander will turn on Hermia. Hermia will turn on Helena. Let the insults fly! We will watch up to 1:41:00.
  5. Partner Activity: Making Connections
    1. Group the following words together and make connections between them.
    2. You must have a central image.
    3. You must use color.
      1. Oberon
      2. Forest
      3. Theseus' court
      4. Death
      5. Lysander
      6. Hermia
      7. Attraction
      8. Demetrius
      9. Helena
      10. Scorn/hate
      11. Vow
      12. Egeus
      13. Bottom
      14. Titania
      15. Love
      16. Friendship
      17. Fairy
      18. Magic
      19. Reversal
      20. Transform
      21. Puck
      22. Fight/Discord
      23. Power
      24. Peter Quince

  1. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Periods 2 and 4 testing schedule

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form. I will also be grading your vocabulary today.
  2. Partner activity: You and your partner will paraphrase a speech by Helena. You may only use the definitions at the bottom of the page or an online dictionary. You will also add some illustrations to beautify the text.
  3. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.
  4. Let's watch the play starting at 1:21:00. Demetrius is lying on the stage asleep. Lysander and Helena will enter. A grand mixup will occur. We will stop at 1:28:12.
  5. Partner activity: Shakespearean insults. With a partner, you will create a short scene full of insults worthy of Shakespeare.
  6. Ah, what if we used these today?
  7. Lysander will turn on Hermia. Hermia will turn on Helena. Let the insults fly! We will watch up to 1:41:00.
  8. Partner Activity: Looking for the four loves. Can you spot them in the text?
    1. Affection: "I love working with you!" A love that comes through constant contact with someone. You enjoy being with them.
    2. Attraction: "I am so in love with him!" Could be lust or a deep crush.
    3. Friendship: the strong bond between friends which doesn't fade.
    4. Charity: there are no divine characters in this play who love selflessly, so you probably won't find this one.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Finishing Act 3

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.
  2. We need to finish our final skits from yesterday. Let the insults begin!
  3. Ah, what if we used these today?
  4. Let's watch the play starting at 1:21:00. Demetrius is lying on the stage asleep. Lysander and Helena will enter. A grand mixup will occur. We will stop at 1:28:12.
  5. Lysander will turn on Hermia. Hermia will turn on Helena. Let the insults fly! We will watch up to 1:41:00.
  6. Partner Activity: Making Connections
    1. Group the following words together and make connections between them.
    2. You must have a central image.
    3. You must use color.
      1. Oberon
      2. Forest
      3. Theseus' court
      4. Death
      5. Lysander
      6. Hermia
      7. Attraction
      8. Demetrius
      9. Helena
      10. Scorn/hate
      11. Vow
      12. Egeus
      13. Bottom
      14. Titania
      15. Love
      16. Friendship
      17. Fairy
      18. Magic
      19. Reversal
      20. Transform
      21. Puck
      22. Fight/Discord
      23. Power
      24. Peter Quince

  1. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Thou Goatish Flybitten Giglet

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form. I will also be grading your vocabulary today.
  2. Partner activity: You and your partner will paraphrase a speech by Helena. You may only use the definitions at the bottom of the page or an online dictionary. You will also add some illustrations to beautify the text.
  3. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.
  4. Let's watch the play starting at 1:21:00. Demetrius is lying on the stage asleep. Lysander and Helena will enter. A grand mixup will occur. We will stop at 1:28:12.
  5. Partner activity: Shakespearean insults. With a partner, you will create a short scene full of insults worthy of Shakespeare.
  6. Ah, what if we used these today?
  7. Lysander will turn on Hermia. Hermia will turn on Helena. Let the insults fly! We will watch up to 1:41:00.
  8. Partner Activity: Looking for the four loves. Can you spot them in the text?
    1. Affection: "I love working with you!" A love that comes through constant contact with someone. You enjoy being with them.
    2. Attraction: "I am so in love with him!" Could be lust or a deep crush.
    3. Friendship: the strong bond between friends which doesn't fade.
    4. Charity: there are no divine characters in this play who love selflessly, so you probably won't find this one.


Friday, April 19, 2019

Catch up day

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Catch up day. Many of you are behind on:
    1. Reading your independent books. Spend extra time reading.
    2. A lot of you haven't completed book review #6.
    3. Many of you also have a couple of missing vocabulary assignments.
    4. Don't waste your time. Get work done. The end of the year is coming quickly.

  1. Did you start the Act 3 vocabulary?

Thursday, April 18, 2019

iTime Cyberbullying

Big Ideas: What does it mean to be good?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Read this guide for parents about Cyberbullying. What do you agree with? What do you think is inaccurate or out-of-date? Create a T-chart to show this information.
  2. Under your T-chart you should write a partner letter to parents telling them what cyberbullying is and what you think they need to know. Each person should write a sentence. Use different colors (like pencil and pen).
    1. Dear Parents,
    2. Cyberbullying is a complex issue and a frightening topic for parents. First, you should know...
  3.  With your partner, make a copy of this blank infographic. Share it with your partner. Add info that you think it is important for teens to know. You can use information from the websites below.

Success Criteria:


Wednesday, April 17, 2019

O Helena

Big Ideas: What does it mean to be good?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. English Journal: MSND 3.2 summary
  3. Now everybody loves Helena! Read 3.2.122-138.
    1. We will make groups of three. The characters are Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena.
  4. Finally, you will work with a partner to paraphrase 3.2.145-161. You can only use the definitions at the bottom of the page or an online dictionary.

  1. Did you start the Act 3 vocabulary?
  2. Make sure you are reading your book at home.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

What hast thou done?

Big Ideas: Who is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Make sure you start your Act 3 vocabulary.
  2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  3. Here is the schedule for our MSND reading today:
    1. 3.2.1-40 How does Oberon respond to hearing that Titania loves an ass?
    2. Watch 3.2.41-87. Notice how Demetrius feels like Helena.
    3. Act out 3.2.88-120
  4. Start a new English Journal: 3.2.1-120 summary. Work on creating a summary of our reading with your partner

  1. Did you start the Act 3 vocabulary?

Monday, April 15, 2019

O Bottom, Thou are translated!

Big Ideas: What does it mean to be good?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Make sure you start your Act 3 vocabulary.
  2. We will begin Act 3 by watching the stage production. Begin at 55:35 and end at 1:10:52.
  3. Next, we will analyze Helena's predicament with Demetrius. What are her options?

Success Criteria:

  1. Did you start the Act 3 vocabulary?

Friday, April 12, 2019

Book Review

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today your book review is due by 9pm. Make sure you check out a new book.

  1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act II
  2. Things you should be working on:
    1. Book review. Due by 9pm. Check this spreadsheet to make sure you marked that you finished your book. If you fill it out today, your entry will be at the BOTTOM.
    2. Work on your vocabulary assignment for this week.

  1. Did you start your MSND Act 2 vocabulary yet?

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Puck's Mistake

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 12th

  1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act II
  2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  3. We read 2.1.245-265 and 2.2.1-38
  4. We will watch the stage production until the end of 2.2. Puck makes a huge mistake in this part.
  5. Quizizz game based on Acts 1 and 2.
    1. We will also analyze Helena's love issues if we have time.

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

    Tuesday, April 9, 2019

    MSND 2.1

    Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

    Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 10th

    1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act II
    2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
    3. Start a new English Journal: MSND Act 1 summary
    4. Shakespeare writes with a special meter or pattern of beats.
    5. We will read and watch MSND 2.1
      1. Watch the beginning of MSND 2.1 and meet a new character named Puck. Video at 26:05.
      2. The king of the fairies, Oberon, and the queen, Titania, are fighting.

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

    Friday, April 5, 2019

    O Happy Fair!

    Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

    Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 10th

    1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
    2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
    3. Start a new English journal: Rules for Relationships
      1. Create a paragraph with a hook sentence.
      2. Next, have a thesis statement: "All relationships have..."
      3. Summarize the rules for different relationships.
      4. Somewhere in your journal, write a sentence that explores consequences: "If someone [does action], then [result].
    4. As a group, we will read 1.1.180-250
    5. Watch MSND 1.1 up to the part we read today.

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    Rules for Relationships

    Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

    Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 10th

    1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
    2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
    3. To find the exact part of Shakespeare play, you need three numbers:
      1. 1.1.21 = act.scene.line = Act 1 scene 1 and line 21
    4. As a group, we will read 1.1.128.
    5. Watch MSND 1.1 up to the part we read today.
    6. Conversational Roundtable: What are the Rules for Relationships?
    7. Start a new English journal: Rules for Relationships?
      1. Create a paragraph with a hook sentence.
      2. Next, have a thesis statement: "All relationships have..."

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

    Wednesday, April 3, 2019

    MSND 1.1

    Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

    Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 8th

    1. Fill out the reading progress form.
    2. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
    3. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
    4. Tossing Lines. Today we will practice saying some lines from the first scene of MSND.
    5. To find the exact part of Shakespeare play, you need three numbers:
      1. 1.1.21 = act.scene.line = Act 1 scene 1 and line 21
    6. As a group, we will read 1.1.21-115.
    7. Start new English journal: Who is here?
      1. Make a list of the characters at the beginning of the play. What does each character want?

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

    Tuesday, April 2, 2019

    MSND 1.2

    Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

    Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 8th

    1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
    2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
    3. Start a new English Journal: "MSND Plot Map"
      1. Insert a table with two columns and two rows.
      2. One column is titled I Notice
      3. The other column should be titled I Wonder
    4. We will act out the scene from yesterday one more time.
    5. We will watch a stage production of the scene we have been working on together. Start the video at 16:31. It will take about ten minutes.

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

    Monday, April 1, 2019

    MSND Introduction

    Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

    Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 8th

    1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
      If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
    2. Actor's circle
      1. Read a scene from the play We will begin by reading through twice.
      2. Bottom (3), Quince (3), Flute, Starveling, Snout, and Snug.
      3. Questions:
        1. Who are these guys?
        2. How do you know?
        3. What is going on here? What are these guys up to? How do you know?
        4. Do these guys know each other?
        5. Who is the boss of the group? How do you know? Who would like to be the boss of this group? How do you know?
        6. Why are they putting on the play?
      4. Now we will read through the scene again. Look for new information. What did you notice that you didn't understand before? What is still confusing?

    1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?