Monday, April 22, 2019

Thou Goatish Flybitten Giglet

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Fill out the reading progress form. I will also be grading your vocabulary today.
  2. Partner activity: You and your partner will paraphrase a speech by Helena. You may only use the definitions at the bottom of the page or an online dictionary. You will also add some illustrations to beautify the text.
  3. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.
  4. Let's watch the play starting at 1:21:00. Demetrius is lying on the stage asleep. Lysander and Helena will enter. A grand mixup will occur. We will stop at 1:28:12.
  5. Partner activity: Shakespearean insults. With a partner, you will create a short scene full of insults worthy of Shakespeare.
  6. Ah, what if we used these today?
  7. Lysander will turn on Hermia. Hermia will turn on Helena. Let the insults fly! We will watch up to 1:41:00.
  8. Partner Activity: Looking for the four loves. Can you spot them in the text?
    1. Affection: "I love working with you!" A love that comes through constant contact with someone. You enjoy being with them.
    2. Attraction: "I am so in love with him!" Could be lust or a deep crush.
    3. Friendship: the strong bond between friends which doesn't fade.
    4. Charity: there are no divine characters in this play who love selflessly, so you probably won't find this one.


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