Tuesday, April 9, 2019

MSND 2.1

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 10th

  1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act II
  2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  3. Start a new English Journal: MSND Act 1 summary
  4. Shakespeare writes with a special meter or pattern of beats.
  5. We will read and watch MSND 2.1
    1. Watch the beginning of MSND 2.1 and meet a new character named Puck. Video at 26:05.
    2. The king of the fairies, Oberon, and the queen, Titania, are fighting.

  1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

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