Tuesday, April 2, 2019

MSND 1.2

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 8th

  1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
  2. If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  3. Start a new English Journal: "MSND Plot Map"
    1. Insert a table with two columns and two rows.
    2. One column is titled I Notice
    3. The other column should be titled I Wonder
  4. We will act out the scene from yesterday one more time.
  5. We will watch a stage production of the scene we have been working on together. Start the video at 16:31. It will take about ten minutes.

  1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

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