Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Finishing Act 3

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on May 17th.

  1. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.
  2. We need to finish our final skits from yesterday. Let the insults begin!
  3. Ah, what if we used these today?
  4. Let's watch the play starting at 1:21:00. Demetrius is lying on the stage asleep. Lysander and Helena will enter. A grand mixup will occur. We will stop at 1:28:12.
  5. Lysander will turn on Hermia. Hermia will turn on Helena. Let the insults fly! We will watch up to 1:41:00.
  6. Partner Activity: Making Connections
    1. Group the following words together and make connections between them.
    2. You must have a central image.
    3. You must use color.
      1. Oberon
      2. Forest
      3. Theseus' court
      4. Death
      5. Lysander
      6. Hermia
      7. Attraction
      8. Demetrius
      9. Helena
      10. Scorn/hate
      11. Vow
      12. Egeus
      13. Bottom
      14. Titania
      15. Love
      16. Friendship
      17. Fairy
      18. Magic
      19. Reversal
      20. Transform
      21. Puck
      22. Fight/Discord
      23. Power
      24. Peter Quince

  1. Work on your new vocabulary unit. It only has 10 words. Let's get this finished by tomorrow.

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