Monday, April 1, 2019

MSND Introduction

Big Ideas: Who or what is in control?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on April 8th

  1. Start your new vocabulary. It is for MSND Act I
    If you ever get confused, you can check out the play map.
  2. Actor's circle
    1. Read a scene from the play We will begin by reading through twice.
    2. Bottom (3), Quince (3), Flute, Starveling, Snout, and Snug.
    3. Questions:
      1. Who are these guys?
      2. How do you know?
      3. What is going on here? What are these guys up to? How do you know?
      4. Do these guys know each other?
      5. Who is the boss of the group? How do you know? Who would like to be the boss of this group? How do you know?
      6. Why are they putting on the play?
    4. Now we will read through the scene again. Look for new information. What did you notice that you didn't understand before? What is still confusing?

  1. Did you start your MSND Act I vocabulary yet?

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