Friday, September 29, 2017

Link Crew Here Today

Essential Question: How can I prioritize what is most important?
Goal: to learn how to decide what is most important in your day

Read: Make sure you finish 1/3 of your book

Link crew was here today to do a fun activity with the class.

1. Read. Yes. Seriously.

2. Finish your vocabulary chart

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Nonficton Signpost: What surprised me?

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to know what to look for in non-Fiction
Read: You should be done with 1/3 of your book by this weekend

First, non-fiction signpost: What surprised me?

Here is the text we read. TEXT

1. Work on your vocabulary chart. Due on Sunday.
2. Finish 1/3 of your book

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Forgiving Ourselves

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: Decide if the 7th man should forgive himself
Read: Finish 1/3 of your book by this weekend

Complete the first row of the Argument Essay Prewriting chart in GOOGLE CLASSROOM

Now that we have done the diagnostic, you will complete an assignment on the same topic on NoRedInk.

If Clever has not been working for you, join a new class and use this code:
striped home 93

Make sure you complete the diagnostic from yesterday first.

1. Finish the vocabulary chart by Sunday
2. Finish 1/3 of your book

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Aha Moments

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to understand what an Aha Moment is.

Read: You should be done with 1/3 of your book by the end of this week.

Annotate two examples of Aha Moments from the text. One is in paragraph 53 and the other is in paragraph 60. 

Complete this FORMATIVE to check for understanding.

Write a summary of the narrative in your English Journal. You can use these sentences:

The narrative "Seventh Man" by AUTHOR tells the story of NAME who lives in SETTING...The narrative begins by...Tragically, the seventh man's best friend K...Throughout his life, the narrator is haunted by...By the end of the story he...

Make sure you finish the NoRedInk diagnostic from a week ago. You will get a pass or fail grade based on whether you completed it.

1. Read. You should be 1/3 of the way done with your book this week.
2. Work on your vocabulary chart which is due on Sunday.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Finishing the Seventh Man

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to finishing looking for Contrasts and Contradictions in The Seventh Man

Read: Fill out the Reading Progress form

Today we will finish The Seventh Man. Make sure you focus on the Contrasts and Contradictions in the narrative. TEXT AUDIO

Complete this FORMATIVE to check for understanding.

Write a summary of the narrative in your English Journal. You can use these sentences:

The narrative "Seventh Man" by AUTHOR tells the story of NAME who lives in SETTING...The narrative begins by...Tragically, the seventh man's best friend K...Throughout his life, the narrator is haunted by...By the end of the story he...

1. Read. You should be 1/3 of the way done with your book this week.
2. Work on your vocabulary chart which is due on Sunday.

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Seventh Man

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to understand Contrasts and Contradictions

Read: Make sure you are reading at home for at least 15 minutes

Today we will read the first part of the Seventh Man TEXT AUDIO.  We will be looking for Contrasts and Contradictions.

1. Finish your vocabulary chart
2. Write your book review and submit it on Google Classroom

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Building Assets

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to understand what assets you have

1. Reading - You have three weeks to read your first book
2. Building assets activity

English Journal #6 My Assets. This was a paper activity. Come and see me tomorrow if you were absent.

1. Finish Vocabulary chart on Google Classroom
2. Turn in Goodreads review on Google Classroom

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Moving forward

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to make progress on our assignments

1. Read silently for 10 minutes
2. Book review, vocab, etc.

Copy these sentences onto a Google Doc and use them for your first book review:

The book "..." by AUTHOR is about...The main character in the book NAME lives in...and has to...I found this book...

The main conflict in this book is...It begins by...In the middle of the novel,...Finally,...

In regards to the ending, I thought...

In my opinion, I thought the book was...I think that most teenagers would...

Next, you should work on your new vocabulary chart in GOOGLE CLASSROOM

Finally, you will begin our next reading selection Pg 133. PLAY AUDIO

Monday, September 18, 2017

Starting the new unit


1. Play welcome message VIDEO

2. Read silently for 10 minutes
3. Introduction to Unit 2 VIDEO

4. Read the TEXT together (teacher or students)
5. Annotate text with Mr. Brubaker VIDEO

6. NoRedInk assignment VIDEO

Friday, September 15, 2017

Finishing up the first unit

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to finish up our assignments for unit 1

1. Read Silently and fill out reading progress form
2. Work on book review
3. Finish any assignments from this week

Today we will sign up for a Goodreads account. We will use Goodreads to review the books we read during the year.

You should finish you individual work from yesterday and the following assignments:
1. Revise and turn in your essay
2. Vocabulary chart
2. Any missing assignments

Finish your independent reading book if you haven't already

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Individual work

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to complete our individual work

1. Read Silently and fill out reading progress form
2. Work on individual assignments

Your individual assignments are on GOOGLE CLASSROOM

1. Finish vocabulary chart
2. Finish independent reading book

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Final Essay Revision

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to revise our essays

1. Read Silently
2. Revise our essays

Install the GRAMMARLY extension

Things to improve:
1. Clear intro
2. Topic sentence for each paragraph that fits the intro
3. Fix grammatical mistakes
4. Include conclusion
5. Add the paragraph below

New paragraph:

Finally, to be an American means sometimes we live up to our ideals, and other times we fall short. The (short story, article, etc.) entitled "TITLE" shows that...In this text, immigrants are treated...For example,... In addition,...But not every immigrant experience is a positive one...While Americans try to treat all immigrants___, we do not always live up to this goal.


In conclusion, to be an American means...Both (Name) and (Name) demonstrate these qualities. These qualities are important because they help our nation...Americans also try to treat all immigrants__ even though we are not always successful.

1. Finish your vocabulary chart
2. Finish your independent reading book

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Podcast Final Day

Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

Goal: to record and evaluate our podcasts

1. Read Silently
2. Record your Podcasts and evaluate other groups

Today is all about recording your podcast. I will permit you to type or hand-write your script.

Follow the instructions on the Produce a Podcast assignment.

You will find the link to the podcast at these links

Period 1

Period 3

Period 5

 and you should use this FORM.

1. Finish your book by Friday
2. Finish the vocabulary chart by Friday

Monday, September 11, 2017

Performance Task Day 2

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to finish the performance task and get ready to record

1. Read Silently
2. Performance Task

The Performance Task is in Google Classroom. Here is an example of how to fill in the first chart:

The next chart is where you identify what will go on each slide:

Everyone in your group must speak more than once. You can have more than one slide per story. Multiple people can speak for a particular slide.

Update your progress here:




1. Read for 15 minutes
2. Finish your vocabulary chart
3. You should finish your first book by Friday

Friday, September 8, 2017

Performance Task Day 1

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to create a podcast about the immigrant experience

1. Read Silently - You should be almost finished with your book.
2. Finish any work from yesterday
3. Begin your group performance task

Make sure your group finishes all work from YESTERDAY

Today you will begin working on your group performance task. Your group will create a podcast about how immigrant experiences in the United States.

You will find the documents in GOOGLE CLASSROOM Make a copy of both documents and share them with your group.

This is an example of a screencast to show what your final product will look like.

Things that are due next week:

1. Your completed vocabulary chart
2. You should finish your independent reading book
3. All of your small group work

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Another Immigrant Experience

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to better understand the experiences of different immigrants

1. Read
2. Finish assignments from yesterday
2. With a Little Help From My Friends and Poetry

First, make sure you finish your English Journal from yesterday.

English Journal #5

For our next English Journal, you will create a top ten list about the Chinese immigrant experience. What are the top ten things people should know about Chinese immigrants in the early 1900s? Make sure one of the items from your list comes from one of the poems. Choose two or three things to write about in a paragraph. Make sure your paragraph starts off with the hook, relevance, and thesis pattern. You can use the following sentences to help you with your paragraph:

Did you know that Americans put limits on Chinese immigration during the early 1900s? This is important because...Chinese immigrants who came to Ellis Island felt...One of the things immigrants experienced was...One line of poetry that shows how difficult it was for them is "..." This line of poetry shows...

Next, read With a Little Help From My Friends on page 89. You can read it silently or out loud as a group.
Highlight the positive and negative experiences she has as an immigrant. Annotate each highlight to show what made it positive or negative. Complete the Comprehension questions on page 93.

Finally, read the two poems on pages 101-104 and then complete the Comprehension questions on page 105.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chinese Immigrant Experience

Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

Goal: to understand the Chinese immigrant experience

1. Reading
2. Small Group work

Writing on the Wall TEXT AUDIO

Highlight a paragraph number every time the text switches between Angel Island and poetry.

Highlight sentences that help you understand what it was like to be a Chinese immigrant.

English Journal #5

For our next English Journal, you will create a top ten list about the Chinese immigrant experience. What are the top ten things people should know about Chinese immigrants in the early 1900s? Make sure one of the items from your list comes from one of the poems. Choose two or three things to write about in a paragraph. Make sure your paragraph starts off with the hook, relevance, and thesis pattern. You can use the following sentences to help you with your paragraph:

Did you know that Americans put limits on Chinese immigration during the early 1900s? This is important because...Chinese immigrants who came to Ellis Island felt...One of the things immigrants experienced was...One line of poetry that shows how difficult it was for them is "..." This line of poetry shows...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Top Ten List

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to get better at writing introductions

1. Read silently and Reading check-in
2. English Journal
3. Read Writing on the Wall

English Journal #4

First, we will work on improving our writing with a topic that we all know about. Our first English Journal for today will be about your favorite toys from childhood. You will make a top ten list of your favorite toys, video games, etc. from when you were in elementary school. Once we have made the list then we will choose two items from our list to write about. Here is what we are practicing:

1. Generating ideas
2. Evaluating ideas to see which is the best
3. Write about our ideas using a hook, relevance, thesis pattern.

Next, we will continue to look at the ways America does and does not live up to its ideals. We will read Writing on the Wall as a class. This text is difficult because it alternates between descriptions of Angel Island, information about immigrants, and examples poetry.

Writing on the Wall TEXT AUDIO

Highlight a paragraph number every time the text switches between Angel Island and poetry.

Highlight sentences that help you understand what it was like to be a Chinese immigrant.

English Journal #5

For our next English Journal, you will create a top ten list about the Chinese immigrant experience. What are the top ten things people should know about Chinese immigrants in the early 1900s? Choose two or three things to write about in a paragraph. Make sure your paragraph starts off with the hook, relevance, and thesis pattern. You can use the following sentence to help you with your thesis:

1. Chinese immigrants who came to Ellis Island felt...

Friday, September 1, 2017

Annotating The Rules of the Game

Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

Goal: to annotate the passages you highlighted yesterday.

1. Read silently for ten minutes
2. Annotate and show understanding of The Rules of the Game

First, go back to the sentences you highlighted yesterday. Find parts of the text that you all highlighted. For each highlight write down how Waverly is getting better at chess or the conflict she is having with her mother. MAKE SURE YOU ANNOTATE EACH PASSAGE YOU HIGHLIGHTED.

Second, write a summary of the story with your group. You will find the blank document to use for your summary on Google Classroom. Your summary should be 7-10 sentences long. You each have to turn in your own copy, but you can work together.

Third, work on your vocabulary chart. If you get to this point, you can listen to music as you work.