Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Final Essay Revision

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: to revise our essays

1. Read Silently
2. Revise our essays

Install the GRAMMARLY extension

Things to improve:
1. Clear intro
2. Topic sentence for each paragraph that fits the intro
3. Fix grammatical mistakes
4. Include conclusion
5. Add the paragraph below

New paragraph:

Finally, to be an American means sometimes we live up to our ideals, and other times we fall short. The (short story, article, etc.) entitled "TITLE" shows that...In this text, immigrants are treated...For example,... In addition,...But not every immigrant experience is a positive one...While Americans try to treat all immigrants___, we do not always live up to this goal.


In conclusion, to be an American means...Both (Name) and (Name) demonstrate these qualities. These qualities are important because they help our nation...Americans also try to treat all immigrants__ even though we are not always successful.

1. Finish your vocabulary chart
2. Finish your independent reading book

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