Friday, September 1, 2017

Annotating The Rules of the Game

Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

Goal: to annotate the passages you highlighted yesterday.

1. Read silently for ten minutes
2. Annotate and show understanding of The Rules of the Game

First, go back to the sentences you highlighted yesterday. Find parts of the text that you all highlighted. For each highlight write down how Waverly is getting better at chess or the conflict she is having with her mother. MAKE SURE YOU ANNOTATE EACH PASSAGE YOU HIGHLIGHTED.

Second, write a summary of the story with your group. You will find the blank document to use for your summary on Google Classroom. Your summary should be 7-10 sentences long. You each have to turn in your own copy, but you can work together.

Third, work on your vocabulary chart. If you get to this point, you can listen to music as you work.

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