Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chinese Immigrant Experience

Essential Question: What does it mean to be an American?

Goal: to understand the Chinese immigrant experience

1. Reading
2. Small Group work

Writing on the Wall TEXT AUDIO

Highlight a paragraph number every time the text switches between Angel Island and poetry.

Highlight sentences that help you understand what it was like to be a Chinese immigrant.

English Journal #5

For our next English Journal, you will create a top ten list about the Chinese immigrant experience. What are the top ten things people should know about Chinese immigrants in the early 1900s? Make sure one of the items from your list comes from one of the poems. Choose two or three things to write about in a paragraph. Make sure your paragraph starts off with the hook, relevance, and thesis pattern. You can use the following sentences to help you with your paragraph:

Did you know that Americans put limits on Chinese immigration during the early 1900s? This is important because...Chinese immigrants who came to Ellis Island felt...One of the things immigrants experienced was...One line of poetry that shows how difficult it was for them is "..." This line of poetry shows...

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