Monday, September 25, 2017

Finishing the Seventh Man

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to finishing looking for Contrasts and Contradictions in The Seventh Man

Read: Fill out the Reading Progress form

Today we will finish The Seventh Man. Make sure you focus on the Contrasts and Contradictions in the narrative. TEXT AUDIO

Complete this FORMATIVE to check for understanding.

Write a summary of the narrative in your English Journal. You can use these sentences:

The narrative "Seventh Man" by AUTHOR tells the story of NAME who lives in SETTING...The narrative begins by...Tragically, the seventh man's best friend K...Throughout his life, the narrator is haunted by...By the end of the story he...

1. Read. You should be 1/3 of the way done with your book this week.
2. Work on your vocabulary chart which is due on Sunday.

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