Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What have I learned this year?

Big Ideas: What does it mean to be good?

Reading: Newsela tracking form for recording the articles you have read.

  1. Work on your Newsela challenge
    1. Read at least 10 articles ALL the way through. Read to learn something new.
    2. Read at least one article from 5 different categories (Kids doesn't count as a category).
    3. Write a rhetorical precis for two of the articles. Look back at English Journal #9 for help on writing a rhetorical precis. We wrote one together.
    4. Take the quiz and pass with at least a 3/4 for two of the articles.
    5. Create a flipgrid video that explains what the article is about and your thoughts about the topic. Use some of the sentences below to help you create a script for your video.
      1. The article "???" was about...In the article it described...The purpose of the article was to...The article made me think about...I wonder...One question I have for the author is...Overall, I though...
  2. Website portfolio
    1. Create a new page called Reading Ladder. You will put all of the books you have read so far this year on this page.
    2. Create a new page called My Favorite Words. Choose 10 words you have learned this year that really stand out to you.
  3. Review what we have learned this year. Play Quizlet Live!

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify my biggest worry about the semester. I have strategies for dealing with it.
  2. I have a plan for how to talk to my classmates.

  1. Choose a new book to read.

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