Monday, January 7, 2019

Welcome Back!

Big Ideas: What does it mean to be good?

Reading: Day #1 of Building Content Knowledge Using Newsela.

  1. Ongoing conversations
    1. This semester we are going to talk to a lot more of our classmates. We are all going to help each other learn.
    2. Each of you will receive a conversation tracker. Each of you must talk to 75% of the students in class over the next three weeks.
    3. You will track who you talk to and what you talk about.
  2. Snowball activity
    1. On a piece of paper write the following sentence starter: WHEN IT COMES TO THIS SEMESTER IN FRONT OF ME, MY #1 SINGLE BIGGEST SOURCE OF ANXIETY IS . . .
    2. Now crumple up your paper and let the fun begin.
  3. Positive identity cards
    1. Who do you want to be?
  4. English Journal Our first day back
    1. This year we had a three-week break for Christmas and I...When I thought about returning to school I felt...Today in class we...I learned...This semester I really hope to be...

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify my biggest worry about the semester. I have strategies for dealing with it.
  2. I have a plan for how to talk to my classmates.

  1. Get some sleep. Come back tomorrow rested and ready to work.

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