Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Tracking the plot in Stargirl

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Fill out the reading progress form.


  1. Work on Stargirl Plot Analysis in GOOGLE CLASSROOM. We will focus on the second column "Rising Action"
    1. Stargirl as a cheerleader.
    2. The conflict between Hillari and Stargirl (birthday, Cinnamon, etc.)
    3. Where should we put Archie Brubaker from chapter 7? How does he fit into the novel?
    4. Stargirl becomes really popular in chapter 8
    5. Stargirl does things that make her unpopular (funeral, pledge, etc.)
    6. The Hot Seat
  2. Vocabulary Jam
  3. Read Stargirl for 17 minutes. Start at 1:25:00 and end at 1:42:00 minutes(p73).        Read the the PDF up to page 52

Success Criteria:
  1. I understand what is happening in Stargirl.
  2. I am working on my vocabulary at home.


  1. Work on your new vocabulary. You will have two weeks to complete it since Monday is a holiday.
  2. Bring your school ID. We will check out textbooks.

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