Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Hot Seat

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: We will read for five minutes.


  1. Class discussion: Who has more influence: Stargirl or Hilari?
    1. Not all individuals are equal. Some individuals have more influence than others. So what do you think?
    2. I think...because...For example,
    3. I also think...And I would add,... Do you remember the part...
  2. English Journal #5 Participle Practice
    1. , the heavily armed soldiers looked dangerous.
  3. Make a claim using the roundtable and add it to English Journal #4
    1. In the book, who is doing the shaping? What is being shaped? How is it happening?
  4. Read Stargirl for 17 minutes. Start at (p. 49) 1:08:00 and end at 1:25:00 minutes (p61).        Read the the PDF up to page 42
  5. Chart Stargirl's popularity after today's reading. What changed?

Success Criteria:
  1.  I can make a claim about a character in the novel and provide evidence.
  2. I know what a participle usually looks like and how to add it to the beginning of a sentence.
  3.  I am deepening my knowledge about how individuals and groups shape me.
  4. I understand how popular Stargirl is in the novel and why.
  5. I am making progress on my vocabulary.


  1. Work on your new vocabulary. You will have two weeks to complete it since Monday is a holiday.

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