Thursday, August 30, 2018

No one likes Stargirl

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today we will read for five minutes. What trouble has been brewing in your book?

  1. More participle practice. Copy and paste this phrase 4 times on your English Journal #5
    1. , the crowd eagerly awaited the fireworks.
  2. Add to Conversational Roundtable. What other groups are we a part of?
    1. One group that shapes people's behavior in Stargirl is...This group is shaping [WHAT?] by [HOW?] For example,...This is like real life. For instance,...I think this type of influence has a ___ effect on people. When people...
  3. Fill out graph for Hot Seat. How did this event affect Stargirl's popularity? How does the Valentine affect Leo?
  4. Read Stargirl for 17 minutes. Start at 1:42:00 and end at 1:59:00 minutes(p85).        Read the the PDF up to page 60

Success Criteria:
  1. I can write sentences that use a participle at the beginning.
  2. I can explain how groups shape us in life and in the novel.
  3. I can analyze how popular Stargirl is at this point in the novel.
  4. I understand what is happening in the novel.


  1. Work on your new vocabulary. You will have two weeks to complete it since Monday is a holiday.
  2. Read for 10 minutes.

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