Monday, August 27, 2018

Flipgrid fun

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today you will read for ten minutes, while I check your vocabulary assignment.


  1. Grade your vocabulary.
  2. English Journal #4 Making a claim about the conflict in Stargirl
    1. Make a claim about the book using our graph and Padlet wall.
      1. Check Friday's blog for the Padlet wall for your period.
    2. At this point in the book, the main problem is...When Stargirl first arrived at Micah High School,...However, after the two football games...
    3. Make sure your paragraph describes how she is different, why she causes problems at Mica High, and how her popularity fluctuates.
  3. Create a practice Flipgrid
    1. Sign-up for Flipgrid using your Google account.
    2. In your video, introduce yourself and tell one thing Stargirl did in today's reading that turned people against her.
    3. Code: da7b05
  4. Read Stargirl for 17 minutes. Start at 51:00 and end at 1:08:00 minutes(p49).        Read the the PDF up to page 34
  5. Start your new vocabulary. You will have two weeks to complete it since Monday is a holiday.
  6. Play Vocabulary Jam

Success Criteria:
  1. I can make a claim about Stargirl and provide evidence.
  2. I know how to use Flipgrid.
  3. I finished last week's vocabulary and I started my new vocabulary.
  1. Read for 10 minutes.
  2. Work on your new vocabulary.

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