Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Fill out the reading progress form.


  1. Finish work from yesterday. We need to explain who is being shaped in the narrative.
  2. Review the syllabus. It's on the website/blog.
  3. Write a practice email to Mr. Brubaker.
  4. Read Stargirl for 17 minutes.
  5. Fill out the plot sheet for the first part of Stargirl.

Success Criteria:
  1. I updated Mr. Brubaker on where I am at in my book.
  2. I was able to explain how characters were shaped in Music for My Mother.
  3. I know how my grade is calculated.
  4. I wrote a formal email to Mr. Brubaker.
  5. I read the first part of Stargirl and I know who the characters are.

  1. Work on your vocabulary.
  2. Continue reading at home.

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