Monday, August 20, 2018

Individuals and Groups

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: How are the characters in your book connected?


  1. Grade your Sweltering Words of Summer vocabulary
  2. Roundtable discussion: Individuals and groups
  3. Hand out textbooks. Put your names on the spine.
  4. Read Music for My Mother.
    1. The text of the nonfiction narrative.
    2. The audio of the nonfiction narrative.
    3. Look for Contrasts and Contradictions. Who shapes the main character?
  5. English Journal #3: Music for My Mother
    1. Write a one-sentence summary.
    2. Describe how individuals and groups shape the narrator of the nonfiction narrative. Make a list.
  6. Stargirl vocabulary list 1

Success Criteria:
  1. I finished my vocabulary from last week.
  2. I am starting to understand how individuals and groups shape me.
  3. I understand what I should look for in a fictional narrative.
  4. I started on my new vocabulary list.

  1. Work on Stargirl vocabulary list 1
  2. You will have an extra week to read your first book since we will have less time in class to read starting tomorrow. Sept. 7th

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