Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Our First iTime

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. iTime: A Rainbow in the Clouds
    1. Take a moment and think of someone who has shown you kindness. How did they make you feel cared for or noticed?
    2. What are the qualities people have who show us kindness and make us feel supported?
      1. Period 2
      2. Period 3
      3. Period 4
    3. Watch video about being a Rainbow in Someone's Cloud.
    4. Should other words be added?
    5. Everyone in life will experience clouds. We want to make sure we also think of the rainbows.
    6. You will work in pairs and try to group the words from our word cloud into categories. No more than 7 categories.
    7. Think of a way you can be a rainbow for someone else.
      1. Period 2
      2. Period 3
      3. Period 4
    8. These will form our "House Rules"
  2. What do we need to finish from this week?

Success Criteria:
  1. I can explain what it means to be a rainbow for someone else.

  1. Your vocabulary is due on Monday.
  2. Your book should be finished on September 14th.

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