Thursday, August 23, 2018

Moving forward

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: We will read for five minutes.


  1. English Journal #3: Music for My Mother
    1. Write a one-sentence summary.
    2. Describe how individuals and groups shape the narrator of the nonfiction narrative. Make a list.
  2. Finish your Rainbow in the Clouds poster.
  3. Read Stargirl from 17 to 34 minutes (pg. 25)  Read the the PDF up to page 19

Success Criteria:
  1. I can summarize Music for My Mother and describe who is being shaped in the narrative.
  2. I can categorize words that describe people who are a rainbow in another person's clouds.
  3. I can identify the conflict at the beginning of Stargirl.


  1. Stargirl #1
  2. Your first book should be read by September 14th

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