Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Being Suprised

Big Idea: What is this class all about?


  1. Read for 10 minutes. You should finish your book by August 31st.

  1. Read the article about the California fires. I gave this to you on paper.
  2. Today we will practice the skill of looking for NEW information or information that SURPRISES us.
  • On the same English Journal we have been using today, press enter and tab and write down the following quote:
  • We will practice writing a quote sandwich, an important skill for this class.

    1. Many people believe that.. X agrees/disagrees when he/she writes, "achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit," (AUTHOR 5). In other words, X believes...

  • Work on Sweltering Words of Summer List

  • Success Criteria:

    1. I read my book for 10 minutes today.
    2. I can know what to look for in a nonfiction article.
    3. I understand that a quote sandwich has three parts.

    1. Read for 10 minutes at home. You should finish your first book by August 31st.
    2. Work on your vocabulary. Due on Friday!

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