Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Catch Up Day

Big Idea: What is this class all about?


  1. Read for 10 minutes. You should finish your book by August 31st.

  1. These are assignments that you should have completed?
    1. Rare Birds paper
    2. Student Survey
    3. English Journal #1 Write three paragraphs
      1. Introduce yourself. What are you looking forward to in high school?
      2. Who helped you be successful in middle school?
      3. What advantages to do you have outside of school will help you be successful?
    4. English Journal #2
    5. Google Site "Beginning of the Year Introduction"
    6. Google Site "Capacities"
    7. Work on your vocabulary unit which is due this Friday
Success Criteria:

      1. I am done with everything on the Catch Up list
      2. I understand that there are three parts to a quote sandwich.

      1. Read for 10 minutes at home. You should finish your first book by August 31st.
      2. Work on your vocabulary. Due on Friday!

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