Monday, August 13, 2018

Building Capacities

Big Idea: What is this class all about?
  1. What are the capacities of a literate individual?
    1. Today we will cover the first capacity: Independence.
      1. Open your English Journal. Start a new entry. Title it “Independence and Quote Sandwich”
      2. I will assign you a random partner for today. 
      3. Together we will summarize the first two sentences of the definition of independence
      4. With your random partner, you will summarize the last few sentences. 
      5. Your sentences must have the number of words I assigned you in class. 
      6. Next, create a new page on your Google Site called “My Capacities”
      7. Add the two sentences you came up with. 
  2. On the same English Journal we have been using today, press enter and tab and write down the following quote:
  3. We will practice writing a quote sandwich, an important skill for this class.
    1. Many people assume that...
    2. X agrees/disagrees when he/she writes, "QUOTE," (AUTHOR 5).
    3. In other words, X believes...
  4. Work on Sweltering Words of Summer List
Success Criteria:

  1. I read my book for 10 minutes today.
  2. I can explain what it means to be independent.
  3. I understand that a quote sandwich has three parts.

  1. Read for 10 minutes at home. You should finish your first book by August 31st.
  2. Work on your vocabulary. Due on Friday!

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