Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Most Dangerous Game One-Pager

Big Ideas: What does it take to survive?

Reading: Today you will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on November 9th.

  1. Today you need to finish your The Most Dangerous Game scavenger hunt in GOOGL CLASSROOM.
  2. We will also start on our One-Pager for this short story. Your one page must include:
    1. The TITLE of the short story and the author.
    2. A central image that represents the events from the short story.
    3. A brief summary of the short story. Use the following sentences:
      1. At the beginning of the short story...Things began to change when...Rainsford had to overcome...The most exciting part of the narrative came when...The ultimate winner of the most dangerous game was decided when...
    4. You need to include one of each of the literary devices from your scavenger hunt. Have a small picture that goes with each device.
    5. You may trace whatever elements you can't draw. 

Success Criteria:


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Most Dangerous Game part two

Big Ideas: Literary devices in The Most Dangerous Game

Reading: Today you will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on November 9th.

  1. Listen to the second half of The Most Dangerous game.
  2. Pause. What literary devices have you found? Check with your partner.
  3. Play the Quizizz to make sure you understood what was going on.
  4. Metaphors are located in the following paragraphs:
    1. 32, 46, and 185

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify literary devices in The Most Dangerous Game.
  2. I can follow the plot of a narrative.

  1. Did you start your vocabulary for this week? It all has to do with baseball.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Most Dangerous Game - Part One

Big Ideas: Literary devices in The Most Dangerous Game

Reading: Today you will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on November 9th.

  1. Listen to the first half of The Most Dangerous game.
  2. Pause. What literary devices have you found? Check with your partner.
  3. Play the Quizizz to make sure you understood what was going on.

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify literary devices in The Most Dangerous Game.
  2. I can follow the plot of a narrative.

  1. Did you start your vocabulary for this week? It all has to do with baseball.

Friday, October 26, 2018


Big Ideas: How do we overcome our mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes.


  1. We will continue working on our arguments. Today you will add a conclusion.
    1. Therefore, I think...He should/shouldn't forgive himself because...(CHOOSE ONE TIP FROM THE ARTICLE THAT YOU THINK APPLIES TO THE SEVENTH MAN AND EXPLAIN WHY)
  2. Do the following and you will get an 85/100:
    1. Did you use at least a few vocabulary words in your narrative?
    2. Did you have a clear thesis statement at the end of your introduction?
    3. Does each body paragraph start with a counterclaim that you knock down?
    4. Is your argument free from grammar and spelling mistakes?
  3. What can I do to have an excellent argument?
    1. use a participle somewhere in your argument
    2. add more to your body paragraphs than what was mentioned in class
    3. have more sophisticated vocabulary
  4. Complete the Quizizz for the Seventh Man code:332601
  5. Work on your vocabulary

Success Criteria:
  1. I completed my argument slides and tried to get at least an 85/100
  2. I took the quiz and showed I understood the Seventh Man narrative.
  3. I am done with my vocabulary.

  1. Make sure to start your new vocabulary list.
  2. Your next book review is on November 9th.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Seventh Man essay

Big Ideas: How do we overcome our mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes.


  1. We will continue working on our arguments. Your topic is: Should the Seventh Man forgive himself for the death of K?
  2. Here is what we have done so far:
    1. We wrote an introduction.
    2. We wrote a body paragraph that summarizes what the narrator did during the storm.
    3. We started a body paragraph that provides evidence for why or why not the seventh man should forgive himself.
  3. Most arguments provide more than one reason. What else can you think of?
  4. We will also add a conclusion today.

Success Criteria:

  1. Make sure to start your new vocabulary list.
  2. Your next book review is on November 9th.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

iTime: Interrupting our negative talk

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Fill out the reading progress form.

  1. We all engage in negative talk. It is really hard to overcome.
  2. Why does negative talk stick and how do we overcome our negative self-talk?
  3. Practicing taking negatives to positives.
  4. Complete the document in GOOGLE CLASSROOM about changing negative thoughts to positive ones.

Success Criteria:


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Writing our argument

Big Ideas: How do we overcome our mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes.


  1. We will continue working on our arguments. Your topic is: Should the Seventh Man forgive himself for the death of K?
    1. Your first body paragraph should summarize the Seventh man's actions during the storm.
    2. You second body paragraph should make a claim about whether the Seventh Man should forgive himself for actions.

Success Criteria:

  1. Make sure to start your new vocabulary list.
  2. Your next book review is on November 9th.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Crafting an argument

Big Ideas: How do we overcome our mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes.


  1. I will be grading your vocabulary from last week.
  2. Make sure to start your new vocabulary list.
  3. Today we will begin crafting an argument by looking at both sides of an issue.
  4. Reread the Seventh Man, paragraphs 15-31. Look for evidence for and against the Seventh Man.
  5. What issues should we consider?
    1. Was it the Seventh Man's fault K died?
    2. Should you feel guilty for something that happened when you were a child?
    3. Would K have wanted the Seventh Man to continue feeling guilty?
    4. Anything else?

Success Criteria:


Friday, October 19, 2018

Catch up day!

Big Ideas: How do we survive our own mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Today is a catch up day:
    1. Are you still reading your second book? Take this time to finish reading.
    2. Check the list of people who still haven't turned in a second book review. Are you on this list?
    3. Are you missing any vocabulary assignments?
    4. Do you have all of your English Journals? Check the poster in the front of the room.

Success Criteria:
  1. I can explain what survivor guilt is and how to deal with it.
  2. I can connect the article on survivor guilt to the Seventh Man narrative.

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. You should read 1/3 of your book this week.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

TQE Discussion: Survivor guilt

Big Ideas: How do we survive our own mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Today is our small and whole group discussion. You are graded based on how much you talk.
  2. Can you relate the article to the Seventh Man narrative?

Success Criteria:
  1. I can explain what survivor guilt is and how to deal with it.
  2. I can connect the article on survivor guilt to the Seventh Man narrative.

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. You should read 1/3 of your book this week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Survivor Guilt

Big Ideas: How do we survive our own mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Today we will annotate an article about Survivor Guilt. You will annotate the article using the RIGHT side and LEFT side notes method.
  2. We will also play a Quizlet Live! review game

Success Criteria:
  1. I can explain what survivor guilt is and how to deal with it.
  2. I can connect the article on survivor guilt to the Seventh Man narrative.

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. You should read 1/3 of your book this week.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

To study infinitives

Big Ideas: How do we survive our own mistakes? What does it take to not give up?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on November 5th.

  1. Make a new entry on your English Journal.
    1. Title it "Writing with Infinitives"
    2. We will practice writing sentences that use infinitives. Infinitives use TO + VERB
  2. We will also continue to work on making an argument. An argument is not stating the facts. An argument is a statement which can be agreed or disagreed with.

Success Criteria:
  1. I have chosen my third book of the school year.
  2. I finished last week's vocabulary and started this week's vocabulary unit. All of the words use the suffix -tion, which means "act, state, or condition of"
  3. I can make an argument based on data.

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. You should read 1/3 of your book this week.

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Seventh Man, day 2

Big Ideas: How do we survive our own mistakes? What does it take to not give up?

Reading: Fill out the reading progress form. Your next book review will be on

  1.  I will grade your vocabulary today. Start your new list for this week.
  2. Let's make sure you finished your work from Friday. You were supposed to fill out the plot questions on paper.
  3. How well did you understand the narrative? We will examine the small details through close reading activities. Be ready to move a lot.

Success Criteria:
  1. I have chosen my third book of the school year.
  2. I finished last week's vocabulary and started this week's vocabulary unit. All of the words use the suffix -tion, which means "act, state, or condition of"

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. You should read 1/3 of your book this week.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Seventh Man

Big Ideas: How do people survive in difficult circumstances?

Reading: Today we will skip silent reading since the text of the Seventh Man is long. Make sure you have your third book for the year chosen by Monday.

  1. First, you will listen to the rest of the narrative. It is a long narrative, so you really need to pay attention.
  2. You will fill out the first two columns of the graphic organizer that I left for you. The guest teacher will collect them. We will finish on Monday. THE ONLY DAY TO TURN IN THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER IS TODAY.
Guest teacher, please click on this link to play the audio. Start the audio around 5 minutes. The audio ends around 41 minutes.

Success Criteria:

  1. Finish your vocabulary. It is due on Monday.

Constructing an Argument

Big Ideas: How do you make a claim?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes.

  1. Let's work on our vocabulary for a few minutes.
  2. How do you construct an argument?
    1. Start a new English Journal: Making a claim
  3. Let's make sure you have all of your English Journals. Use the editing add-on for Google Docs to check your journals.
  4. Tomorrow you will have a guest teacher. Today we will start the short story that you will finish tomorrow.

Success Criteria:

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. Have you chosen a new book?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Book review and prepositions quiz

Big Ideas: What are prepositions? How do you identify one?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes. By Thursday you should have a new book.

  1. Tomorrow is a minimum day.
    1. You will report to your second-period class at the beginning of the day.
    2. You will stay with that teacher for two hours.
    3. You will then switch classes with another teacher from Oxford house.
  2. We will start our second book review of the year.
    1. Make a new Google Doc. Title it Book Review #2.
    2. Go to the Independent Reading section of the class blog and copy and paste the book review sentences to your Google Doc.
  3. We will complete our prepositions notes.
    1. You will take notes about prepositional phrases.
    2. You will highlight and summarize your notes.
  4. You will take a quiz about prepositions.
  5. You will start a new vocabulary unit and if we have time, we will play a vocabulary jam.

Success Criteria:
  1. I finished my second book this year.
  2. I can summarize my book to show that I read it.
  3. I can identify a preposition and a prepositional phrase.

  1. Did you start your new vocabulary?
  2. Have you chosen a new book?

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Are you finished with everything?

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes.

  1. Are you finished with all of your assignments?
    1. All vocabulary assignments
    2. Book review #1
    3. Anything from Google Classroom

Success Criteria:
  1. I am not missing any assignments.

  1. You should be done with your second book by Tuesday, October 9th.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

iTime: Internal Compass

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today we will read for 7 minutes.


  1. iTIme: Internal GPS
    1. Watch this Oprah clip about an "internal compass" 
    2. I will divide you into groups like a compass: North, South, East, and West.
      1. You will discuss how a GPS is like our internal compass.
    3. Watch the funny GPS clip. 
    4. Complete the compass activity.

Success Criteria:
  1. I can identify what an internal compass is.
  2. I know what shapes by internal compass and what disrupts it.
  3. I can identify a strategy to recalibrate (get back on track) my internal compass.

  1. No new vocabulary.
  2. Make sure you are reading your third book at home. You need to finish your book by October 8th.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

TQE process

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today we will read for 15 minutes. You need to have your book finished by next Tuesday.


  1. Grade your vocabulary. No new vocabulary this week.
  2. Introduce the TQE method. We will use this for class discussions.
  3. Read the first text and take LEFT side and RIGHT side notes.
  4. Submit your best TQEs to this Padlet.

Success Criteria:
  1. I can prepare for a class discussion by taking quality notes.
  2. I can participate in a class discussion and share my ideas.

  1. No new vocabulary this week.
  2. Make sure you finish your book by next Tuesday.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Prepositions continued

Big Ideas: How do individuals and groups shape our identity? How do we become a confident individual?

Reading: Today we will read for 15 minutes. You need to have your book finished by Tuesday.


  1. Grade your vocabulary. No new vocabulary this week.
  2. Prepositions notes
  3. NRI Prepositions part 2
  4. Introduce the TQE method. We will use this for class discussions.
  5. Read the first text and take LEFT side and RIGHT side notes.
Success Criteria:
