Friday, October 26, 2018


Big Ideas: How do we overcome our mistakes?

Reading: Today we will read for ten minutes.


  1. We will continue working on our arguments. Today you will add a conclusion.
    1. Therefore, I think...He should/shouldn't forgive himself because...(CHOOSE ONE TIP FROM THE ARTICLE THAT YOU THINK APPLIES TO THE SEVENTH MAN AND EXPLAIN WHY)
  2. Do the following and you will get an 85/100:
    1. Did you use at least a few vocabulary words in your narrative?
    2. Did you have a clear thesis statement at the end of your introduction?
    3. Does each body paragraph start with a counterclaim that you knock down?
    4. Is your argument free from grammar and spelling mistakes?
  3. What can I do to have an excellent argument?
    1. use a participle somewhere in your argument
    2. add more to your body paragraphs than what was mentioned in class
    3. have more sophisticated vocabulary
  4. Complete the Quizizz for the Seventh Man code:332601
  5. Work on your vocabulary

Success Criteria:
  1. I completed my argument slides and tried to get at least an 85/100
  2. I took the quiz and showed I understood the Seventh Man narrative.
  3. I am done with my vocabulary.

  1. Make sure to start your new vocabulary list.
  2. Your next book review is on November 9th.

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