Friday, February 9, 2018

One Pager Final Day

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to create a visual that summarizes the trial

Reading: Enjoy reading your book!


  1. Today you should be adding the finishing touches. This includes COLOR.
  2. Make sure you meet the requirements for the One Pager. Your page must include:
    1. The title TAKING A STAND
    2. A picture that represents a courtroom or justice.
    3. Important quotes by the following people during the trial:
      1. Atticus
      2. Mr. Gilmer
      3. Mayella Ewell
      4. Tom Robinson
      5. The jury
    4. Atticus's words to the jury "This case is as simple as black and white." pg. 271
    5. Other descriptions from the chapter that you think are important
    6. A summary of the events during the trial
    7. A personal response to the trial. What are your thoughts about what happened to Tom Robinson?
    8. You MUST have COLOR.
  3. Here is an example:

1. No reading homework.
2. Finish your vocabulary unit. Get the new unit HERE.

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