Thursday, February 8, 2018

BARR Activity: Reflective Listening

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to practice listening to others



  1. How do you practice the Golden Rule when listening to others? It's called reflective listening.
  2. Practice listening skills with inside/outside partner activity
  3. English Journal Reflective Listening Skills
    1. When practicing the responding skills I felt..The hardest skill for me to use was...because...It was challenging to...I think that Why? questions make a person feel...Overall, I learned...
    2. Copy and paste your English Journal to the discussion on Google Classroom.
    3. You must respond to your random partner for the day. Respond by paraphrasing, reflecting, clarifying or asking an open-ended question. Here are some sentences to help you do that effectively:
      1. It seems like you...I also thought...
      2. It sounds like you felt...because...Am I right? I felt...
      3. Did I understand your post correctly? Are you saying...? When doing the activity I felt...
      4. What did you do when...? During the activity I...

1. Start your vocabulary unit. Get the new unit HERE.

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