Thursday, March 7, 2019


Big Ideas: What are your assets?

Reading: Today we will read for 10 minutes. Your book review is this Friday.

  1. Assets are the positive things in a person's life that help the person do well.
  2. You will take a survey to see how of these assets are present in your life. You will not have to share this information with any other student in the class. When you are finished add up the number of assets you have (the ones where you answered TRUE).
  3. Start a new English Journal
    1. Title: 40 Developmental Assets
    2. We will use the Notice and Wonder strategy.
      1. I notice...and I wonder if...
      2. We will look at the results from over 80,000 students who have taken this survey from across the nation.
      3. Write one sentence in your journal for each slide.
  4. Written reflection
    1. In my life I have __ assests. Compared to students across the country I...To me, the most important assets are...These assets help me...
  5. Internal vs. External assets
    1. I have more...This makes me wonder...I think people have more assets when they are younger because...I wonder if girls have more assets than boys because...
  6. Group poster project.
    1. You will be broken into groups of 4.
    2. I will give you a section of the survey.
    3. Choose one asset in that section.
    4. Write the asset in the middle of your poster.
    5. Around the edge write down how someone could strengthen that asset in their life. Sign your name by your suggestion.
    6. Someone could strengthen this asset by...

Success Criteria:

  1. Did you finish your vocabulary?

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