Thursday, November 15, 2018

MLK's impact

Big Ideas: What does it take to survive?

Reading: Today you will read for 10 minutes. Your next book review is on November 9th.

Agenda: PERIOD 4: You need to get a better report today. Especially, Elijah, Kimberly, and Alona. If not, I will hold the class accountable when I return tomorrow.
  1. You need to get your textbooks and turn page 323. You will read a speech by Cesar Chavez on the impact MLK made on him.
    1. You will listen to the audio as a whole class.
    2. You answer the comprehension questions on page 329. Turnin page 329 to the guest teacher.
  2. The rest of the time you can work on the One-Pager for Martin Luther King Jr's speech. Your one page must include:
    1. The TITLE of the speech and AUTHOR.
    2. Words that describe Martin Luther King Jr.
    3. Three important quotes from the speech. Each quote must be from a different part.
    4. A brief summary of which pronouns MLK used in his speech. Use the following sentences:
      1. At the beginning of the speech, Martin Luther King Jr. primarily used the pronoun...I think he did this because...He wanted the audience to...Then he switched to the pronoun__in the middle of the speech...Finally, he used the pronoun__ at the end of the speech...This final switch is significant because...

Success Criteria:

  1. I can create a one-pager that identifies important quotes from the speech.
  2. I can identify why MLK used different pronouns in his speech.


  1. There is no vocabulary homework this week.
  2. You should choose your fourth book for the year.

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