Tuesday, May 15, 2018

F451 Timeline Day 2

Essential Question: Why do we imagine the future?

Goal: create metaphors for characters and technology mentioned in the book so far

Reading: You should have your new book.  Book 5 will be due on May 23rd.
  1. F451 Timeline partner activity
    1. Brainstorm with your partner the ten most important events from part one of F451. Use the comic to help you.
    2. Fold your piece of paper in half. Trace the line down the middle. This will become your timeline.
    3. Each of you should describe five of the events with a symbol or picture. One of you will work at the top of the paper and the other at the bottom.
    4. Choose between the following objects:
      1. Salamander or Hearth
      2. Look up what the object is. Get the definition and a picture.
      3. Trace a picture of what you chose and connect it to the events in the novel.
    1. Continue reading Fahrenheit 451
      1. CLICK HERE for the audio
      2. CLICK HERE for the book
      3. If you are struggling to visualize the book, CLICK HEREfor the Graphic Novel

  1.  Final book review next week.

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