Thursday, May 3, 2018

F451 and Substance Abuse Day 2

Essential Question: Why do we try to imagine the future?

Goal: to explain why Clarisse would overdose on sleeping medication.

Reading: You should have your new book.  Book 4 will be due on April 27th and Book 5 will be due on May 18th.

  1. Start your new vocabulary.
    1. CLICK HERE for this week's vocabulary
  2. Get English Journals ready to grade
  3. BARR i-Time: Substance Abuse
  4. Start reading Fahrenheit 451
    1. CLICK HERE for the audio
    2. CLICK HERE for the book
    3. If you are struggling to visualize the book, CLICK HERE for the Graphic Novel

  1.  Find a new book and start reading.
  2.  Work on your vocabulary

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