Friday, May 11, 2018

Catch up Day

Essential Question: Why do we imagine the future?

Goal: create metaphors for characters and technology mentioned in the book so far

Reading: You should have your new book.  Book 5 will be due on May 18th. Fill out the READING PROGRESS UPDATE FORM


  1. Things to work on today:
    1. Book review 4/27 and 4/6
    2. Vocabulary F451
    3. Get ahead on your reading
  2. Analyze Beatty's speech. You will need a piece of paper for this activity. Here is what your paper should look like:
    1. Continue reading Fahrenheit 451
      1. CLICK HERE for the audio
      2. CLICK HERE for the book
      3. If you are struggling to visualize the book, CLICK HEREfor the Graphic Novel

  1.  Final book review next week.

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