Wednesday, April 18, 2018

What do you value?

Essential Question: What do you value most?

Goal: explain how your values influence your actions

Reading: You should have your new book.  Book 4 will be due on April 27th and Book 5 will be due on May 18th. Friday you will fill out the reading progress form again. Make sure you are making progress.


  1. What do you value most? survey
    1. You will rank the items on the half sheet I gave you from most to least important.
    2. Fill out the Google Form about your top ten items.
  2. Create a new English Journal: What I value
    1. Complete the following sentences:
      1. Since I value ___ I choose to...
      2. Since I value ___ I avoid...
      3. I know what is most important in life by...
      4. Other people in life may know what is important by...
      5. I can understand why someone might value ___ because...
    2. Choose a couple of these sentences to write a paragraph about what you value most.
      1. In my own life, I value...My values influence my actions. For example,...I know that not everyone has the same values. Therefore,...
  3. Resume vs. Eulogy
    1. After watching the video. Fold a piece of paper in half.
    2. Label one side: Resume, Adam I, Strengths
    3. Label the other side: Eulogy, Adam II, Weaknesses
    4. Draw pictures or put words to fill in each side

  1.  You should be 2/3 of the way done with your book by next week
  2.  No vocabulary this week

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