Thursday, April 12, 2018

Romeo and Juliet One Pager Day 2

Essential Question: Which has a greater impact on the characters in these texts: destiny or personal choice?

Goal: to demonstrate your understanding of the play as a whole

Reading: You should have your new book. Book 4 will be due on April 27th and Book 5 will be due on May 18th.

  1. Start One Pager for Romeo and Juliet
    1. Title of play and author
    2. Two important quotes from the play
    3. Main image that represents the play
    4. Personal response to the play - Use RJ001
      1. Romeo and Juliet wanted...But...So...As a result...I thought...My favorite part was...
    5. Two "If only..." statements
      1. If only [CHARACTER] had...then...
    6. Five boxes, one for each act, with stick figures and explanation
    7. Turn in book review on
        1. If you were absent when we made an account, CLICK HERE
        2. Click on create account.
        3. Click on Student, small words at the bottom

  1. Work on your vocabulary
  2. Make sure you read your book at home.

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