Monday, April 30, 2018

Fahrenheit 451

Essential Question: Why do we try to imagine the future?

Goal: to get the first half of your English Journals ready to turn in

Reading: You should have your new book.  Book 4 will be due on April 27th and Book 5 will be due on May 18th.

  1. Start your new vocabulary.
    1. CLICK HERE for this week's vocabulary
  2. New English Journal
    1. Use one of the sentences below to write about the future:
      1. As he walked down the street, the first thing he noticed was...
      2. The future will be different from today in many ways.
    2. Think about these ideas:
      1. More of everything—people, houses, shops, motor cars, factories, farms, dams, power plants, and so on.
      2. Differences in fashion—dress, clothing, hair styles, motor car design, building structures —wider roads—overhead pedestrian crossings and footpaths at level of first floor of high buildings in cities, etc.
      3. New towns and industries in country—new irrigation schemes based on new dams and canals—new hydro-electric schemes—more people in country and closer farming settlement.
      4. Development and advancement of [poorer] countries [and] … increasing trade and travel between the countries.
      5. Things which might lead to war and disputes—things which could lead to peace and agreement—com munications and talks, meetings and games—rich countries and poor —education, medicine, religions and beliefs.
  3. Get your English Journals ready to grade
    1. CLICK HERE for the rubric
  4. Start reading Fahrenheit 451
    1. CLICK HERE for the audio
    2. CLICK HERE for the book

  1.  Find a new book and start reading.
  2.  Work on your vocabulary

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