Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Watching Act II

Essential Question: Do we determine our own destinies?

Goal: to be able to explain the gist of Act II, especially how the friar helps Romeo and Juliet.

Reading: You 3rd book should be done by April 3rd


  1. Today we will watch Act II of Romeo and Juliet
    1. Watch from 25:06 to 42:42
    2. Click here for the movie
  2. English Journal #?? Act II summary
    1. Act II is all about...First of all,...Then...Romeo and Juliet decide...The Friar...At this point in the play I think...I wonder if...Fate is...Free choice is...Right now I think that [FATE or FREE CHOICE] is determing what happens to the two young lovers because...
  3. I will be grading your English Journals over the break. Let's starting making sure you have all of the journals you should.

1. No new vocabulary this week.
2. Make sure you read at home.

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