Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Brawling Love

Essential Question: Do we determine our own destinies?

Goal: to read Act 1.1 and 1.2 to deepen our knowledge of the plot

Reading: You should be reading your 3rd book of the semester.


  1. Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary
    1. Get this week's vocabulary HERE
  2. Read Romeo and Juliet 1.1 and 1.2
    1. Partner read 1.1.1-18 (the quarrel is between...)
    2. Group of four 1.1.32-57 (draw if you be men...)
    3. Partner read 1.1.194-212
    4. Partner read 1.2.1-23
  3. English Journal
    1. Write a journal from the perspective of one of the characters from today's reading.
      1. Romeo, Paris, Mr. Capulet, Sampson, Gregory, or Benvolio.
      2. Today was an interesting day in Verona. First,...
      3. You must write 7-10 sentences.
  4. Shakespeare Insult Generator

1. Work on your vocabulary.
2. Finish your book review

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