Monday, February 5, 2018

The Dueling Lawyers

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to compare Atticus to Mr. Gilmer and to understand how word choice affects tone.

Reading: If you finish your book early, choose a new book to read. Remember that reading isn't only for a grade. You learn about life. Fill out the READING PROGRESS UPDATE FORM (only Period 3)


  1. Check your vocabulary. You only get a grade if you are at 100%. HERE IS YOUR NEW LIST.
  2. TKAM008
    1. One half of the class will focus on Atticus and the other half on Mr. Gilmer
  3. We will be skipping chapter 20. Here is what happened.
    1. The man is Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a local character who is ostracized because he married a black woman. To tone down the talk about him around the town, he pretends to be a drunk, but it is really Coca-Cola that is in the paper sack he carries around. He tells Dill that people can be very cruel sometimes and that it makes him sick too. Scout knows she shouldn’t be out talking to this sinful man, but she finds him nice and fascinating. When they get back inside the courthouse, they find Atticus in the middle of his closing statement, and Jem is convinced they’re going to win the case since Tom Robinson could not have physically done what Mayella is accusing him of.
  4. We will read chapter 21.
1. No reading tonight. Start your new vocabulary unit.

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