Monday, February 26, 2018

Essay: Introduction

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to write the introduction to your essay.

Reading: You should be done with your book by Friday.


  1. English Journal #4 One Word Challenge Check-in
    1. Copy and paste your paragraph from the YELLOW section of the Hyperdoc.
    2. Add the following ideas:
      1. How are you doing this semester? Are you sticking to your one word?
      2. What is something you have done this semester that fits what you wrote at the beginning of the semester?
      3. If you haven't been living up to your one word challenge, why not?
  2. NoRedInk - Writing a good HOOK. Email me if you were not here and need the class code.
  3. Write the introduction to your essay. We will use the model essay as our guide.
  4. Submit your introduction to Peergrade to receive feedback.
1. No vocabulary this week. Make sure you read your book!

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