Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Atticus Our Model of the Golden Rule

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to get a better understanding of Atticus

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. Take the quiz from last night's reading. GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  2. Add the following information to TKAM003.
    1. Column 1: Atticus; Column 2: stands by his decision to defend Tom to Heck Tate and the other men. Fill in Column 3 with your partner.
    2. Column 1: Atticus; Column 2: spends the night outside the jailhouse to protect Tom Robinson; Fill in Column 3 with your partner.

  1. Fold a piece of paper into four boxes. Put the following information in each box.
    1. Box 1: How is Atticus taking a stand and following the golden rule?
    2. Box 2: Who is Atticus taking a stand against? Why?
    3. Box 3: What does taking a stand cost Atticus? What could he lose? (think about the danger to his kids, etc.)
    4. Box 4: Trace or draw an image that shows what it means to take a stand.

1. Finish reading chapter 18. READ THE TEXT or LISTEN TO THE AUDIO. (don't forget to speed it up)
2. Start your new vocabulary unit. Get the new unit HERE.

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