Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Atticus Our Model of the Golden Rule

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to get a better understanding of Atticus

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. Take the quiz from last night's reading. GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  2. Add the following information to TKAM003.
    1. Column 1: Atticus; Column 2: stands by his decision to defend Tom to Heck Tate and the other men. Fill in Column 3 with your partner.
    2. Column 1: Atticus; Column 2: spends the night outside the jailhouse to protect Tom Robinson; Fill in Column 3 with your partner.

  1. Fold a piece of paper into four boxes. Put the following information in each box.
    1. Box 1: How is Atticus taking a stand and following the golden rule?
    2. Box 2: Who is Atticus taking a stand against? Why?
    3. Box 3: What does taking a stand cost Atticus? What could he lose? (think about the danger to his kids, etc.)
    4. Box 4: Trace or draw an image that shows what it means to take a stand.

1. Finish reading chapter 18. READ THE TEXT or LISTEN TO THE AUDIO. (don't forget to speed it up)
2. Start your new vocabulary unit. Get the new unit HERE.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Scout's Perspective

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to get a better understanding of Atticus

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. Take the quiz from last night's reading. GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  2. Watch TKAM movie. Start at 51:03 and end at 1:07:00 English Journal: Scout's perspective.
  3. Read TKAM 16 starting on page 216. Finish 16 and start reading chapter 17

1. Finish reading chapter 17. READ THE TEXT or LISTEN TO THE AUDIO. (don't forget to speed it up)
2. Start your new vocabulary unit. Get the new unit HERE.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Atticus and Taking a Stand

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to get a better understanding of Atticus

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. Grade your vocabulary. Your new list is HERE.
  2. Add the following to TKAM003 GOOGLE CLASSROOM
    1. Atticus defends Tom Robinson.
  3. Add the following to TKAM002 GOOGLE CLASSROOM
    1. “First of all ... if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view—until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” pg. 39
    2. “If you’ll concede the necessity of going to school, we’ll go on reading every night just as we always have. Is it a bargain?” pg. 41
    3. “Atticus Finch is the same in the house as he is on the public streets.” (Miss Maudie) pg. 61
    4. “Simply because we’re licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” pg. 101

    5. “I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout through it without bitterness, and most of all, without catching Maycomb’s usual disease. Why otherwise reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand.” pg. 117
  4. Read TKAM chapter 10

1. Your homework tonight is to read a summary of chapters 11-15. CLICK HERE TO READ THE SUMMARY. You will have a quiz tomorrow on these chapters.
2. Start your new vocabulary unit.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Catch Up Day

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: Catch up on work from this week.

Reading: Reading: Fill out the READING PROGRESS UPDATE FORM

Here is the video for yesterday. If you were absent make sure you watch it.


  1.  Things that need to be finished:
    1. TKAM006
    2. TKAM006_a
    3. TKAM004
  2. Read chapter 9 in class. We will finish chapter 9 tomorrow.

1. Read your book and finish your vocabulary.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Chapter 5 Close Reading

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to close read chapter 5

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1.  Make sure you turned in your HW from last night. TKAM006_a. It will count like a quiz grade.
  2. Close Reading of Chapter 5 GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  3. Read summary of chapters 7 and 8 since we are skipping them.
  4. Read chapter 9 in class. We will finish chapter 9 tomorrow.

1. None

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Digging Deeper into the Golden Rule

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to better understand the Golden Rule

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. New Vocabulary unit CLICK HERE Start practice session.
  2. TED Talk about the Golden Rule. Watch the first two minutes. Answer the questions on PAPER.
  3. Read all of chapter five and start chapter six in class.

1. Finish reading chapter six at home. READ THE TEXT or LISTEN TO THE AUDIO. Fill out the plot sentence frames instead of taking a quiz. Turn it in on GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Golden Rule

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to make inferences about Atticus' character

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. New Vocabulary unit CLICK HERE Start practice session.
  2. Golden Rule in World Religions
  3. Text to Film comparison
    1. Reread pages 39-42 of the novel
    2. Compare it to the movie (39:00 - 41:55)
  4. Read chapter 4 of TKAM

1. No reading tonight. Just work on your vocabulary.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Taking a Stand in TKAM

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to make inferences about Atticus' character

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. Reading quiz for last night.
  2. Plot Diagram for chapter 2
  3. English journal Chapter 3 summary GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  4. Taking a Stand chart GOOGLE CLASSROOM

1. None

Thursday, January 18, 2018

TKAM Chapter 2

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to make inferences about Atticus' character

Reading: Make sure you still make progress in your independent reading book.


  1. Reading quiz for last night.
  2. Atticus notecatcher. GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  3. English journal Chapter 1 summary GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  4. Read TKAM chapter 2 and start chapter 3

1. Finish chapter 3 of TKAM. Be ready for your reading quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

TKAM Chapter 1

Essential Question: Why does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: to understand integrity and how small things lead to big things



  1. Vote on how we should do vocabulary. GOOGLE FORM
  2. Frayer model about integrity.
  3. English journal GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  4. Read the first part of TKAM chapter 1

1. Finish chapter 1 of TKAM. Be ready for your reading quiz tomorrow. AUDIO TEXT

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Taking a Stand

Essential Question: How does taking a stand in small ways show integrity?

Goal: Get information from photographs and paintings about people who are taking a stand for something

Reading: Have your new book by Monday. We will go to the library on Friday.


  1. Gallery Walk: Images of people taking a stand. What do you notice? What do you wonder? GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  2. Frayer Model for Taking a Stand PAPER
  3. Get Semester 2 textbooks

1. Find a new book

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

i-Ready Assessment Day 2

Essential Question: How has your reading improved?

Goal: to show me how much better you are comprehending what you read

Reading: Make sure you have picked out a new book by Monday

1. i-Ready assessment

If you were ABSENT yesterday: One-word challenge on GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Make sure you get the new code.
    1. First Period: 4f8ewl7
    2. Third Period: kku3wo5
    3. Fifth Period: k9f896


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

i-Ready Assessment Day 1

Essential Question: How has your reading improved?

Goal: to show me how much better you are comprehending what you read

Reading: Make sure you have picked out a new book by Monday

1. i-Ready assessment

If you were ABSENT yesterday: One-word challenge on GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Make sure you get the new code.
    1. First Period: 4f8ewl7
    2. Third Period: kku3wo5
    3. Fifth Period: k9f896


Monday, January 8, 2018

Welcome Back!

Essential Question: What is your one word for the second semester?

Goal: to choose one word that will guide you through this semester

Reading: Speed date books today. You will need a new book by next week.


  1. Speed date books for two minutes.
  2. One word challenge on GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Make sure you get the new code.
    1. First Period: 4f8ewl7
    2. Third Period: kku3wo5
    3. Fifth Period: k9f896
Tomorrow and Wednesday we will be doing the iReady mid-year checkup. All you need to do is show improvement!

1. Find your new book!