Thursday, December 7, 2017

I Have a Dream Analysis

Essential Question: How can words inspire change?

Goal: to use Lewin's model to analyze MLK's speech

Reading: Finish 2/3 of your book this week


  1. Lewin's Change Model and Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. English Journal I Have a Dream
    1. In 1963 American society was ___ and Martin Luther King Jr.'s goal was to change...In order to achieve this MLK had to strengthen particular forces for change in American society. First of all,...Moreover, Americans needed to increase...Dr. King also faced many obstacles in making America more...In order to make our country more just for all races, MLK needed to weaken the resistance of those who stood in the way of social justice. In the first place,...Equally important was...By strengthening America's commitment to social justice and weakening the opposition to racial equality, Martin Luther King Jr. was able to...
    2. While Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of a society in which equality existed for all races, he faced many obstacles in his push for social justice. First of all,...Moreover MLK had to...Although many obstacles stood in his way, there were many forces for change in American society. For example, Dr. King...As a matter of fact,...By weakening America's commitment to ___ and strengthening our belief in __, MLK was able to...
  3. Retake Quizizz for a grade. Take your time and do your best.

1. Read your book at home
2. Work on your vocabulary CLICK HERE

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