Friday, December 15, 2017

Book Club Day

Essential Question: What is your favorite book?

Goal: to share a book you enjoy


1. Share your books with your group.
2. Enjoy the food you brought.

1. Nothing

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Finish Reading Project and Catch up Day

Essential Question: What is the best book you read this semester?

Goal: to entice others to read your favorite book

Reading: Finish reading you book.


  1. Silent Sustained Reading Project
  2. Catch-up day
    1. Do you have all vocabulary units done?
    2. Are you missing any assignments?
      1. MLK assassination video notes
      2. Martin Luther King and Change
      3. I Have a Dream Metaphors
      4. Previous Videonotes
      5. Lewin's Change Model Driverless cars
      6. Essay Google Slides

1. Make up missing assignments
2. Finish your book

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Independent Reading Project

Essential Question: What is your favorite book?

Goal: to get other students excited about a book you have read

Reading: Make sure you finish your book this week.


  1. Silent Sustained Reading Project. GOOGLE CLASSROOM

1. Bring food that goes with your book.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

BARR Activity and Catch Up Day

Essential Question: How can words inspire change?


Reading: Finish reading you book.


  1. Two BARR activities
    1. Decision Making steps
    2. Non verbal communication
  2. I will grade your vocabulary
  3. Catch-up day
    1. Do you have all vocabulary units done?
    2. Are you missing any assignments?
      1. MLK assassination video notes
      2. Martin Luther King and Change
      3. I Have a Dream Metaphors
      4. Previous Videonotes
      5. Lewin's Change Model Driverless cars
      6. Essay Google Slides

1. Make up missing assignments
2. Finish your book

Monday, December 11, 2017

Letter from Birmingham Jail Day 2

Essential Question: How can words inspire change?

Goal: to summarize MLK's letter from jail and understand the impact of his assassination.



  1. Finish group work for The Letter from Birmingham Jail
  2.  Watch Robert Kennedy's remarks about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and take notes using
  3. Introduce reading activity for this Friday.
  4. I will check vocabulary tomorrow.

1. Finish reading your book this week.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Letter From Birmingham Jail Day 1

Essential Question: How do words inspire change?

Goal: to understand MLK's argument in his letter from jail

Reading: Finish 2/3 of your book


  1. Quizizz I Have a Dream
  2. Letter from Birmingham Jail Group activity

1. Finish your vocabulary
2. Read your book. It should be finished by December 15th

Thursday, December 7, 2017

I Have a Dream Analysis

Essential Question: How can words inspire change?

Goal: to use Lewin's model to analyze MLK's speech

Reading: Finish 2/3 of your book this week


  1. Lewin's Change Model and Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. English Journal I Have a Dream
    1. In 1963 American society was ___ and Martin Luther King Jr.'s goal was to change...In order to achieve this MLK had to strengthen particular forces for change in American society. First of all,...Moreover, Americans needed to increase...Dr. King also faced many obstacles in making America more...In order to make our country more just for all races, MLK needed to weaken the resistance of those who stood in the way of social justice. In the first place,...Equally important was...By strengthening America's commitment to social justice and weakening the opposition to racial equality, Martin Luther King Jr. was able to...
    2. While Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of a society in which equality existed for all races, he faced many obstacles in his push for social justice. First of all,...Moreover MLK had to...Although many obstacles stood in his way, there were many forces for change in American society. For example, Dr. King...As a matter of fact,...By weakening America's commitment to ___ and strengthening our belief in __, MLK was able to...
  3. Retake Quizizz for a grade. Take your time and do your best.

1. Read your book at home
2. Work on your vocabulary CLICK HERE

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Peergrade and Annotate

Essential Question: How do words inspire change?

Goal: to annotate the ideas highlighted yesterday

Reading: You should be finishing 2/3 of your book this week.


  1. Peergrade the Adobe Spark videos
  2. I Have a Dream Quizizz
  3. Annotate the items you highlighted yesterday
  4. Martin Luther King and Change??? (We may not get to this)

1. Did you start your vocabulary yet? CLICK HERE

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

I Have a Dream speech

Essential Question: How do words inspire change?

Goal: to understand the main ideas in the I have a dream speech


  1. Periods one and five will finish the Adobe Spark video. Period three will work on vocabulary.
  2. Read the "I Have a Dream" speech. TEXT AUDIO
    1. Highlight the metaphors you used in your Adobe Spark video
    2. Highlight information that confirms, challenges, or changes your ideas about America. What does the author think you already knew?
    3. Annotate your highlights. Why about these ideas confirmed, challenged, or changed your thinking?
  3. Give feedback for Adobe Spark videos.
    1. Sign up for Peergrade on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
    2. Join Live Session with the code.
    3. Submit the link to your video.
    4. Give feedback on three other videos.
    5. View your feedback.

1. Work on vocabulary
2. Read 2/3 of your book

Monday, December 4, 2017

Dr. King's Powerful Metaphors

Essential Question: How can words inspire change?

Goal: to understand the metaphors that Dr. King uses in his speech

Reading: You should be finishing 2/3 of your book this week.


  1. Grade vocabulary for last week.
  2. Analyze the metaphors that appear in the "I Have A Dream" speech. GOOGLE CLASSROOM Here is the chart filled in CLICK HERE.
  3. Create an Adobe Spark video that visualizes five of the metaphors. Turn in the link on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
  4. Begin your next vocabulary unit by CLICKING HERE.

1. Read your book at home. Due date is Dec. 15th
2. Work on your vocabulary

Friday, December 1, 2017

Catch Up Day

Essential Question: What assignments do I need to complete?

Goal: work on missing assignments

Reading: Finish 1/3 of your book


  1. Video Notes- Did you get it turned in?
  2. Online discussion - Social Progress
  3. Lewin Change Model Driverless Cars
  4. Argument Essay Prewriting
  5. Argument Essay Google Slides
  6. Book Review #3
  7. Vocabulary this week or last week

Watch a video from this WEBSITE if you are finished with everything.

1. Vocabulary
2. Read your book