Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Writing about making change

Essential Question: How can words inspire change?

Goal: to apply Lewin's model for change to your own life

Reading: This week you are trying to finish 1/3 of your new book.

1. Review Lewin's model for change. How could we change society to use driverless cars? What would we need to strengthen? What would we need to weaken?

COPY these paragraphs. PASTE them below the Lewin Change Model chart we made yesterday in GOOGLE CLASSROOM

Currently, humans drive cars instead of computers. But there is a push to...There are many forces behind this change. First of all,... In addition,... That means...Of course, many obstacles stand in the way of driverless cars becoming a reality. Many people are afraid... Human beings also do not like to... In order to make driverless cars more acceptable, car companies must strengthen... Moreover, those promoting driverless cars must reduce our fear...

Although driverless cars are now possible, there are many obstacles to allowing a computer to drive instead of a person. First of all,... In addition,...Ultimately, people do not want...But there are many forces behind making driverless cars a reality. Those who promote this new technology point out...Moreover,...Those who support this technology want to change...For this to become a reality, people must learn to...The average person must be willing to give up...in order to... 

2. Fill out the graphic organizer for a change you would like to make in your life. GOOGLE CLASSROOM
3. English Journal #13 My Change and online discussion. GOOGLE CLASSROOM

1. Read at home.
2. Work on your vocabulary.


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