Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Reading Based on Your Interest

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: highlight and annotate a nonfiction article on your own

Read: You should be finished with your book by the end of the week

1. Find an article you are interested in on Newsela.
2. Read the article. Highlight in yellow things the author assumed you already knew. This could be vocabulary, ideas, people, etc. Find at least 3 things. Look this up and make an annotation.
3. Then highlight in another color the things in the article that surprised you. You should find at least 6-7 things. Annotate why they surprised you.
4. Then take the quiz based on the article. How well did you do?
5. Reply to the discussion on Google Classroom. Use the following words to start your sentences:

Have you ever (HOOK)...The article I read was about...The author described...I chose this article because...First, I was surprised that...I had no idea...It was interesting to learn that...By the end of the article, I understood...

You must reply to two other people in the class. One of them has to be the person I paired you with. The other can be your choice.

What surprised you about their article? What question do you have for them?

1. Read for 15-20 minutes
2. Study for your vocabulary test

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