Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Life of Pi

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to deepen our fiction skills

Reading: You should be 2/3 of the way done with your book this week

1. Read the Life of  Pi excerpt TEXT AUDIO

Highlight the fictional narrative. You should look for two things:
     1. Contrasts and Contradictions: Pi is a vegetarian (Someone           who doesn't eat meat or kill animals). What actions contradict         his beliefs? How does Pi have to change?
    2. Again and Again: What keeps coming up again and again in        Pi's interaction with the tiger Richard Parker?
2. Work on your Tic Tac Toe assignments

1. Work on your vocabulary

Monday, October 30, 2017

Small Group Work Unit 2 Day 1

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to work together as a group and stay on task


1. Decide with your group which direction to use on the Tic Tac Toe page in GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Begin work for The Voyage of the James Caird narrative
3. With your group read over The Endurance and Voyage of the James Caird in Images
4. Explain and assign vocabulary words on VOCABULARY.COM  Your list for this week is words that use Duc and Duct

1. Study your vocabulary
2. Read your book. You should be 2/3 of the way by the end of this week.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Finish The Voyage of the James Caird

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to support each other in understanding a text

Reading: Finish 1/3 of your book

1. Finish highlighting The Voyage of James Caird TEXT AUDIO
2. Study for test using Quizlet. Take test on SCHOOLOGY
3. Go over Small group assignment.

1. Finish 1/3 of your book

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Voyage of James Caird

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: More practice on reading nonfiction

Reading: Make sure you are finishing at least 1/3 of your book by this weekend.

1. Begin reading Voyage of James Caird TEXT AUDIO

You and your group will highlight what surprises you in this selection. Also, what does the author assume you already know?

1. What makes you say Really? That could happen?
2. Or, what is new about survival.

1. Final vocab test is tomorrow. Study!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Finishing our argument essay

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: practice annotating skills on nonfiction text

Read: Focus on one character in your novel. How are they changing?

1. Finish Argument essay slides on GOOGLE CLASSROOM
2. Hand out Chromebook cases.
3. Work on NoRedInk assignment

1. Read your book for at least 15 minutes
2. Study your vocabulary

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Adding a body paragraph

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?

Goal: to write strong claims and adequate evidence

Read: Make sure you set a daily goal for your reading

1. Take your vocabulary test for the second time. 
2. Continue to work on your NoRedInk assignment. Make sure you support each other.
3. Write a strong claim for the first body paragraph of your essay.
4. Write a body paragraph that provides background and evidence to support your claim.

1. Study vocabulary at home
2. Enjoy reading your book at home. You should try to be at least halfway done with your book this weekend.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Vocabulary test and NoRedInk


1. Read silently for 15 minutes
2. Take your vocabulary test on Schoology
3. Work on your NoRedInk assignment

Class code for Schoology:

1st Period - MZKKZ-GDVJJ

3rd Period - DCTHP-FD8HP

5th Period - GQN56-HVGVX

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Getting Better at Writing

Read: You should be finished with 1/3 of your new book by this weekend.

1. Work on NoRedInk assignment: Topic Sentences and Body Paragraphs. If your NoRedInk account doesn't work, please search for this activity under Practice. It is called "Body Paragraphs: Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning.
2. Study your vocabulary words for the test tomorrow

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Crossing the River

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to work together as a group to complete a task

Read: Make sure you turn in your second book review today

BARR program activity: Crossing the River

Add to the discussion on GOOGLE CLASSROOM

Quizlet Live! to practice for your test on Friday

1. Study your vocabulary words
2. Turn in your book review

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The value of neighbors

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to practice new nonfiction signpost

Read: This week you should finish 1/3 of your new book

1. The Key to Disaster Survival AUDIO TRANSCRIPT
2. Open Google Classroom and complete the chart for the radio broadcast.
3. In Google Classroom open the Argument Essay Prewriting document. Fill it in for the radio broadcast we listened to.
4. Work on your NoRedInk assignment. This will give you practice for writing strong topic sentences and body paragraphs.

1. Turn in your Adobe Spark video
2. Turn in your second book review
3. Read at home
4. Study your vocabulary words

Monday, October 16, 2017

Writing about our books

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to use the final nonfiction signpost to understand a radio broadcast about survival

Reading: You should now be starting the third book of the school year. You have three weeks to finish your book.

1. Finish your Adobe Spark video and turn it in
2. Write about the second book you have finished this school year. Or take time to get extra reading done.
3. The Key to Disaster Survival AUDIO TRANSCRIPT
4. Open Google Classroom and complete the chart for the radio broadcast.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Test and Adobe Spark Reflection

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: Reflect on this quarter

Read: Make sure you finish your book this weekend and pick out another book for next week

1. Vocabulary test
2. Adobe Spark reflection

1. Finish your book. Find a cozy place and read, read, read!

Thursday, October 12, 2017

English Journals, Vocabulary, and NoRedInk

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: Master commas for clarity and practice vocabulary

Read: Fill out reading progress form


1. Check your English Journal and turn in by the end of the day
2. Quizlet Live! game to prepare for test tomorrow
3. Finish assignment on NoRedInk called Commas for Clarity. If you are finished with this assignment then you can watch videos on thekidshouldseethis.com
4. Quizlet Live! Game using a different set.

1. Finish your book by this weekend
2. Study for your vocabulary test

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Reading Based on Your Interest

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: highlight and annotate a nonfiction article on your own

Read: You should be finished with your book by the end of the week

1. Find an article you are interested in on Newsela.
2. Read the article. Highlight in yellow things the author assumed you already knew. This could be vocabulary, ideas, people, etc. Find at least 3 things. Look this up and make an annotation.
3. Then highlight in another color the things in the article that surprised you. You should find at least 6-7 things. Annotate why they surprised you.
4. Then take the quiz based on the article. How well did you do?
5. Reply to the discussion on Google Classroom. Use the following words to start your sentences:

Have you ever (HOOK)...The article I read was about...The author described...I chose this article because...First, I was surprised that...I had no idea...It was interesting to learn that...By the end of the article, I understood...

You must reply to two other people in the class. One of them has to be the person I paired you with. The other can be your choice.

What surprised you about their article? What question do you have for them?

1. Read for 15-20 minutes
2. Study for your vocabulary test

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Catch up day

Here are the things you need to have done:

1. Finish all of your English Journals
2. Make sure you don't have any missing assignments
3. Finish your vocabulary chart for this week.

If all of these things are done, come and see me.

1. Vocabulary chart is due on Sunday
2. Finish 2/3 of your book

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Evaluating and Judging

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: to understand how to judge something in writing

Read: Fill out the Reading Progress form

Begin working on your writing for the chart you have created in your English Journal. You can use the image below to help you get started.


1. Work on your vocabulary chart
2. Finish 2/3 of your book

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What the author thought I knew

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: Identify what an author thought you already knew

Read: By the end of this week, you should finish 2/3 of your book

The second signpost for nonfiction is: What does the author think I already know? We will look for this signpost in the article about survivor's guilt.

Survivor's Guilt TEXT AUDIO

Today you should have all of your categories for English Journal #9. Begin to fill in the information.

1. Read your book at home for at least 15-20 minutes
2. Work on your final vocabulary chart for this unit

Monday, October 2, 2017

Nonfiction Signpost #2

Essential Question: What does it take to survive?
Goal: Identify what an author thought you already knew

Read: By the end of this week, you should finish 2/3 of your book

The second signpost for nonfiction is: What does the author think I already know? We will look for this signpost in the article about survivor's guilt.

Survivor's Guilt TEXT AUDIO

Next, we will start a new English Journal about Evaluating and Judging. Choose something you like (athletes, guitars, etc.) and create a comparison chart like this one for iPhones.


1. Read your book at home for at least 15-20 minutes
2. Work on your final vocabulary chart for this unit