Thursday, August 10, 2017

Textbook check out day aka bicep improvement day

Textbook check out day aka bicep improvement day.

GOAL: Textbook check out, reading, and six word memoirs.

READ: get out your book or borrow a new one. 

Textbook check out:
  • We will all go to the library to check out our textbooks.
  • Bring your ID and your schedule.
Back in the Classroom:

Six Word Memoir Project
  • Watch the videos from the bottom of yesterday's blog to help you understand what a Six Word Memoir is.
  • Open the assignment from Google Classroom entitled Six Word Memoir and complete the document.
If you finish early you have extra time to read today. Try to get through the first two chapters!

  1. Fill out the Student Data Form
  2. Fill out the Reading Survey

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