Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Reading our first short story

Essential Question: What does it mean to be American?

Goal: Understand the opportunities and limitations available to American immigrants

1. Read
2. Read a narrative about one girl's immigrant experience

First, we will add to our English Journal (in Google Docs)

Make a top ten list of what means to be an American.

We will read a selection about a ninth grader named Elena. TEXT AUDIO

Notice details about where the author lives, about her family and neighbors.

Annotate passages that show:
1. How tragic events unite Americans
2. People searching for the American dream
3. Immigrants being seen as outsiders

Formative to check understanding.

When you are finished with everything:
1. The first twelve words on your vocabulary chart are due on Friday.
2. Read silently

3. Check your grades and make sure you turn in missing assignments

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