Monday, August 14, 2017

Introducing our first unit

Essential Question: What does it mean to be "American"?

Goal: Introduce first unit AMERICAN VOICES


Introduce our first unit
Write a summary

After reading today, we will fill out our first reading progress form:

Pearson Realize

Watch "Define American" video
Unit Goals form:
Read Music for My Mother; Listen to audio if needed.
Word Network for Identity
Summary of Music for My Mother

To create this summary, we will make a new document called "English Journal." Here are the steps:

  • Open Google Drive
  • Click on NEW and choose GOOGLE DOCS
  • The title of the document should be LASTNAME FIRSTNAME English Journal
  • Your first entry should look like this:

In your summary, be sure to:

Write in the present tense
Include the title of the work
Be concise; A summary is shorter
No opinions

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